Monday, May 4, 2009

I guess I'm overdue for a post here, hm? Apparently I'm really terrible at blogging, but that's not to say I haven't been working. I've actually made some progress with my final for this class.

My idea is sort of experimental I guess. I was sitting around one day trying to come up with an idea and I figured, "hell, I'll just ask people to tell me a story." I then developed that into a serious concept where I would walk around Savannah and ask people to tell me a short 30 second to 2 minute story. Then I would pick through all the stories I got and use their sentences to create one somewhat cohesive story.

So I had a friend help me out with renting some audio equipment and I did just that. It was actually pretty fun, people thought it was a cool idea for the most part and only a few folks looked at me like I was some crazy art school kid and declined to help.

The real fun part was editing all the stories together...It's quite the strange story, I can tell you that. The really really fun part will be animating it. I've already started with some of the characters.

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